Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday's Gray and Wednesday, Too

I didn't update yesterday because I was home sick from work and I didn't even consider it.

After last weekend, where I didn't really record any calories, I finally got below 240 somehow.  I don't know how.  I'm back to 241 after it's caught up with me, but I'm still close to the 230s as opposed to the 250s so I don't care.

I met my calorie goal yesterday pretty much because I ate nothing until dinner.  I was just too sick to think about it.  I did get my protein shake things at Sam's Club so I have those and a peanut butter sandwich before I leave for school.  There's chicken for dinner but I kind of hope I don't need it.  Yes, I know I need to stay above 1200 calories at the least, but I'm afraid to eat anything when I'm trying to stay on track.  Afraid to eat too much of stuff, too many carbs, etc.

I wonder if I ate my protein shake meal replacement things (30 grams of protein per) twice a day and had a peanut butter sandwich on this wheat bread I'm using at night, then that would be enough?  I take a multivitamin.  I wonder that if it met my calorie requirements then I might see some improvement if I sustain myself on just these foods?

I have to come up with a rewards system for this paper next and I have no idea what to do.  I might do something with money, but I'm saving up money for this in game wedding plus grad school plus NERO once a month.  I guess I'll have to think of something.  Maybe seeing the weight drop off is a reward, but I don't think that's the rewards system the professor is quite talking about.

More later!

ETA 7:56 - I finished my tracker for the project.  Now to write up some data to hand in with my datasheet. And now I can stop being humiliated every time I fail at my goal.  Maybe that's what I need to do anyway.  I'd do it here but no one reads these.

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