Tuesday, September 3, 2013

'Til Tuesday

Well, I didn't update on Monday, but it was a holiday.  I didn't even remember to update.

I pretty much let things go this weekend.  It was nice though I felt kind of guilty every time I "cheated".  Well, it's a new week, I start recording data, so let's see how this goes, shall we?

I supposed that - at least for this class -  that I should be writing longer posts.  It's just that it's early and I have no idea what to say.

I did get complained at by my best friend and my husband's best friend for restricting myself to 1200 calories, but if it's what I have to do, then it's what I have to do.

I think I mentioned it before, but I put up this little shrine in my cubicle to remind myself not to eat badly and to drink the water I'm supposed to.  I added the dress we're making for my LARP wedding - it's a 20 (that's the highest the pattern goes) and I'm a 22 at best, a 24 at worst.  So there's that.  Pictire of the dress is below:

I need to be able to fit into this thing.  Yeah, the wedding is far off (a year - married in August), but like any bride, I want to lose the weight to be "pretty", even if the wedding is just in role play.

Enough rambling for now, but hopefully I'll be able to stick to my plan and not fail miserably and embarrass myself in front of my professor when he sees my data.

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