Monday, August 26, 2013

The Great Defector

I fell off the proverbial wagon this weekend.  I was under the calorie limit on Saturday, even though what I are was awful for me; I just seriously let go on Sunday.  No real exercise here, either.

I’ve decided to move my weekly blog posts to Mondays.  If I want to put an entry in there in between, I doubt anyone will care.

It’s time got back on it, I guess.  Weekends are hard because I have to deal with avoiding food that I make for my kids for lunches.  My roommate is trying to convince me to go paleo. But I’ve seen his grocery bill.  I just can’t afford it.  Plus my children would get no nutrition because I seriously doubt they’d like what is on paleo and hate to miss out on what isn’t.  Like losing milk and cheese.  Hell, I’d miss milk.

Up 3 pounds.  Gotta fix that.  Now.

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